We ripped up carpet, painted walls, put up chair rail, installed new laminate flooring and completely transformed what had unintentionally become a junk room into a room that Andrew and I agree is probably now the coolest room in the house. We're starting to get the hang of what we're doing.

I've been waiting to post about Jack's room until I finish everything that goes into it, but several projects are sort of...well, still unfinished. The Bookshelf of Many Paint Colors and the Undecided Curtains will have to be stand alone posts for another time.
First, meet the sock monkey bedding. I'm not really one for baby room themes, but I did fall in love with this fabric. Like, a lot of love. I matched it with red/white stripes and chocolate brown corduroy. I used the same pattern to make a friend some sweet little bird bedding and adored the pleated

We were fortunate enough to inherit some cool furniture that we repainted with "Atomic Red." My father-in-law built the nightstand at one time and the dresser belonged to Andrew's grandmother. I used some vintage paper that
Jen sent me a while back as shelf liner- nursery rhyme print. It makes me happy every time I open a drawer.

IKEA trip and $12 later, we had some spiffy red and white shelves up, too. I'm collecting "Jack" things to fill them with . It's sort of an alternative to his name spelled out on the wall, I guess. Also, it totally amuses me. So far, we have a Jack Sprat root beer label, a jack-in-the-box (Two, actually. One regular and one sock monkey!), a Cracker Jack box, a "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Jack" bumper sticker from the '90s, a set of playing jacks, an old wooden puzzle piece of Jack and Jill, and a Jack of Hearts playing card. I still have several things to add and I'm sure I'll come across more that I haven't thought of yet.

The playing card was a fun (cheap! cheap!) project. I wanted to find one that was bigger than a traditional playing card but wasn't having much luck. I also didn't want to pay a lot for a full deck when I really just wanted one card. I bought a wood plaque thingy for 97 cents at
Walmart. I scanned the card in and altered the colors to match the room then Mod
Podged (that is a verb, right?) it to the wood and finished with several coats of acrylic sealant. I really like the end result- it surpassed my expectations.
This frame is on Jack's wall as well, although I can't take credit for it. The amazing Wayne
Geyer worked his magic for a shower invitation that deserved to be displayed...and bragged about by this very happy recipient.
1 comment:
the room looks AWESOME- not that I'm surprised!!
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