Friday, September 10, 2010

T-Shirt Transformation

I don't really remember where I first learned about this kind of project, but I've been sitting on the idea forever. I finally put it into action and love the result.

I took an old (freshman year of college?) white t-shirt and cut strips, sewed/gathered them to make ruffly strips, then made them in to a pillow. That's it. I'm thinking I'll have to make a matching one of these. And possibly one with different colors. And also maybe one with some t-shirt design showing. That might be fun. And...And...

I'd love to pretend that it sits alone in a chair, looking classy. Not a chance. It actually lives quite comfortably with the chaos that is usually my living room. Today: a felt Moose (Thanks, Nick Jr.!) and a dinosaur coloring book with markers. Hooray!


emk said...

MOOSE! Brooks loves the moose! Did you make that yourself? Love the pillow!

Klem said...

I need some of these. Like soon. Like seriously soon. LOVE.

Andrew said...

Emily- the pattern is on Nick Jr's website. Rory is a huge fan, too.

Klem- I'll get right on it!

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